Sunday, October 16, 2016


When you and your family are doing what God has called you to do, the attack is inevitable.  Because the enemy is after the family, there's no doubt about that.

He's standing there outside your door -- jeering -- taunting -- mocking -- scoffing.  He does not want your success.  He does not want your unity.  He does not want you to thrive.

He wants to see you wounded.  He wants to see you offended, hurt and divided.  He wants to see you make small things into big things and big things into insurmountable things.

Peter said not to be surprised when trials come on you, as though that were something strange.  He says to expect them.

If your desire is to be obedient to the Gospel and in your walk with God, then may I just say, 'Be ready?'  

Because the attack is going to come.  Stand fast.

And be blessed.


Unknown said...

Thank you Pk, I wasnt able to hear your message because of work. Ive been experiencing this first hand in my life lately in my health, finances and relationships. Thank you for again giving me my FIGHT SONG.

Software Solutions Guru said...

Thanks Pk so true, the word has all the answers.