Saturday, September 3, 2016


During September I'm blogging each day about one thing I've learned from 35 years of doing ministry.  Not rocket science -- just elementary tips that have served me well these three decades.

LESSON 3 - Listen to the right voices.

Proverbs says, 'Where there is no guidance, people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.'  (Proverbs 11:14)

There will be those in your path who constantly gush with encouragement over you.  They'll love you and praise everything you do and say.

There are others who, if you went out to the local pond and walked across the top of the water from one shore to the other, wouldn't find much good in it.

So with both coming at you, it's important to listen.

More voices is better than less voices.

We need to listen to dissenting opinions because nobody's right 100% of the time - that means me - and that means you.  Often we feel when someone disagrees with our ideas or vision that they're attacking us.  I've seen that happen a thousand times.

The reality is, we already have an enemy, and he isn't a church person or our neighbor.

There is great value and power in the collaboration of ideas, thoughts and perspectives.  If we discount that, we risk become narrow-minded -- even blind.  We can become isolated.  

In order to make the best and most informed decisions, more voices is better than less voices.  

And remember, the voice of the Holy Spirit is your most important voice partner.  So listen.

And be blessed.

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