Saturday, September 10, 2016


During September I'm blogging each day about one thing I've learned from 35 years of doing ministry.  Not rocket science -- just tips that have served me well these past three decades.

Lesson #9 - All fights are bad.  Some fights are necessary.

Now, some of you reading this LIKE to fight, so you're going to have to be more careful in this area than others.  In my past years I used to like to fight just for the sake of it.  I never think it fun at all anymore.

What's to like about it?

Winning?  You don't win.
Reputation?  You've already ruined it.
Justification?  You'd have justified yourself better by being quiet and letting them wonder why you weren't fighting back.

I didn't make it up but it's worth repeating here ---- pick your battles carefully because every hill isn't worth dying on.  But every now and then, one is.

And be blessed.

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