Saturday, July 9, 2016


Unrest is not new to society - ours or others.  If we were to examine history, we would see it chock-full of disturbance and disorder - at times chaotic, even anarchic.

Still, I admit there seems to have been a measurable uptick in racial, economic, relational, political, religious and turbulence in the past few years both at home and abroad.  I will also admit it is personally disturbing.

Matthew told us in the Bible that as the end drew nearer there would be wars and rumors of wars.  This does not just mean wars with bombs and tanks - we are in a home turf war now.  He said nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  That did not just mean Islamic states would rise against Democratic Republics or vice versa, but that nations would fight against themselves.  Matthew also said in those same verses that when these things happen, we shouldn't be alarmed because it is necessary for these to take place.  'It is the beginning of the birth pangs.'

That's important for a couple of reasons.

The frequency of unrest will rise as Jesus' return draws closer.  The intensity of them will also increase because that's how it goes with labor before a birth.  But although the labor may be painful, it's also full of hope.

So there is a sense that some of the unrest we're experiencing and will likely continue to experience in both increasing frequency and intensity should have a reverse effect on us from what I usually see among those who claim faith in Christ.

Jesus is warning us that He's coming.

There is no way to be joyful about any of it - but according to our faith and our hope, rather than panicking and becoming fearful, we should in every civil war and world earthquake and devastating famine, hear the voice of God saying, 'I'm coming.  I'm a God of justice and I will not condone sin.'  

But in those same moments of unrest, we should also hear Him saying, 'I'm a God of mercy and a God of hope.  I'm bringing My Kingdom and I don't want you to miss it.  I'm forewarning you.  That's how much I love you.'

Warnings - so people will turn to God and won't be caught off guard when Jesus returns.  He's warning us that He's coming.

In the middle of all that, your life in Christ is unshakable.  What can be shaken will one day be swept away and only what is unshakable will remain.  You're part of the unshakable Kingdom, follower of Christ.

So we can't possibly rejoice at the unrest that swirls all around us.  It's right to be sad.  But we can be at peace in the hope we have deep down inside.  We can know that Jesus is returning.  And we can pray, pray, pray, pray, pray.

Worship what cannot be shaken, my friends.

And be blessed.

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