Friday, July 22, 2016


There was a study done not long ago with Americans under 30 years of age.  They were asked what their impressions of Evangelicals were.

The percentage who had a positive impression was --- hold your breath --- 3%.

Right.  Said another way, 97% had a decidedly unfavorable impression of Evangelicals.  Ninety-seven percent.

That same study was done 20 years ago on people under 30.  At that time, 85% had a positive impression of us.

Right.  Said another way, only 15% had an unfavorable impression.

That took place in just one generation.


Let's think about this.  We drag the name of Jesus through the mud for what?  Some legislation?  Christians known for being mean and nasty?  Nothing like Jesus?

The good news is -- if we can wreck the name of Jesus in one generation, maybe we can right it again in one generation.

If we can wreck the name of Jesus in one generation, maybe we can right it again in one generation.

What if 20 years from now, without backing down on what we believe -- without compromising our Christ-honoring values -- what if we were known for ...

... being the biggest supporters of the foster care system in our counties?

.... fully embracing adoption?  Followers of Jesus are crazy.  They take children into their homes and don't let them go.

... being the most generous people around?

... acting in grace-filled ways?

... humility?

... compassion?

... being slow to anger?

... loving the gay community?

That would be something.


That can happen with the Spirit of God at work through us.

And be blessed.

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