Wednesday, May 4, 2016


What would be the worst and greatest sin a person could commit in the eyes of God?

Sexual sin?

The Bible - in Proverbs - lists several things God hates.  All those above are on that list.  Dante stole God's list and called them the seven deadly sins.  

They're all bad.  But I think we could add one more to that list:  Independence.

My mom actually lives in Independence.  Missouri, that is.

But this independence is making decisions apart from God.  It's a disconnector from the life of God.  It's:  'I have this.  I don't need You, God.  You can go away now.  I'll handle this.  I'll let You know when I need You again.  Thanks.'

In God's eyes, we aren't independent beings.  Independence is not His goal for us.  He calls us to depend on Him continually - unceasingly - relentlessly - persistently.

One moment of independence and separation from the God who made us and who loves us spells death.

Wise words from Watchman Nee:  "I hope that each of us would be able to say to God, 'Grace me so that I live by the tree of life, not by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  I want to constantly pay attention to life.'"

Dependence is beautiful.
Independence is ugly.

Come back to the Tree of life.  You need Him.  The whole point of life with God is dependence -- attached to the Tree.

'God, save us from declaring our independence from You.  We want to learn full dependence.'

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proverbs 29:25