Sunday, May 1, 2016


Ask me if the Bible is trustworthy?


Is it true?

One hundred percent.

The reason people have so many objections to it isn't because of it's scientific lack or manuscript evidence or proof of authorship.  The truth is, the Bible is just demanding.  It will mess with your life.

It will mess with your marriage.
It will mess with your work.
It will mess with your meals - your habits - your bedroom - your free time.

That's why the objections come.

But from the very first page to the last, the Bible changes you.

And my goal for Journey Church -- Millennials, Gen X-ers, Boomers, Busters, Generation Y -- everybody -- is for us to develop a Biblical worldview about life -- that the Bible would become the lens through which we see the world and make our decisions about

how to parent,
how to do business,
how to give,
how to play and work and have sex or not have it.

Because the Bible speaks to all those things and I'm asking, 'Will you obey it?'

Can we trust it?  Yes.
But I need to ask, 'Will you trust it?'
Because it's no good to say you CAN trust if you aren't going to.

Read a few verses in the New Testament book of James -- until you come to one you aren't currently living out as well as you should -- put it on your mirror, in your car, at your office -- and begin putting that verse into practice in your life.  Do it for one week solid. 
Keep on reading in James -- a few verses at a time -- pick another verse and begin applying it -- something you aren't currently doing fully right now.
Keep going in the book of James.  Share in your life group -- in your Bible study class -- in your gatherings.  Find out how challenging - how demanding - how invasive - the Bible will be in your life. 
May the Word of God burn in our hearts.

And be blessed.

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