Sunday, May 15, 2016


It's the WHO of creation that matters.

The Bible doesn't tell us everything we need to know about the WHAT or the HOW of creation, even if you think you have it all figured out.  But it does tells us everything we need to know about the WHO of creation.

We have a firm belief that God spoke and stuff happened -- something from absolutely nothing.

We have a sure belief that there's a God who breathed life into a ball of dirt and created something - someone - a person made in His image.  Our God is all-powerful.  He's supernatural.  This is the God we worship.

The Bible teaches we have a God, not only of beginnings, but of new beginnings.

The book of Genesis is written to Israelites around 1450 BC.  They've just come out of 400 years of hell, enslaved to the brutal Egyptians.  God exposes them to the greatest miracle any of them had ever seen - the parting of the Red Sea.  They walk across on dry land and now they're poised at the edge of the Promised Land after decades of abuse -- and Moses writes:  Let me show you a God who's all-powerful and all-knowing and all-present and all-good and all-just and all-merciful and all-kind -- and we can have a new beginning as a people.

It's the WHO of creation that matters.

It's the same with us.  We have a God who's dynamically involved in His creation and in our lives. And if the Creator God were to step out of your life right now, the whole thing would fall apart.  But He's present;  He's active.  He's come to rescue you.

This God who created it all is the same God who put on flesh to die for you so you might have a fresh start.  He's been that engaged in your life -- from the beginning.

Don't miss the God who loves you and who sent His Son to give you a new beginning so you wouldn't have to face the penalty you deserved.

And be blessed.

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