Saturday, April 30, 2016


Two guys were walking along a road with Jesus and they said to each other:  'Our hearts burned inside us while He talked to us on the road and opened the Scriptures.'

They had a life-changing encounter that day with Jesus when He shared the Scriptures with them.  God's Word is the pathway to a deep personal relationship with Christ.

It says:  'Beginning with Moses and all the prophets Jesus interpreted to them in all the Scriptures things concerning Himself.'

'Everything in the Bible is about Me,' Jesus says.  'Beginning with Moses and the prophets, it's about Me.'

The Bible isn't about you.  It isn't about how you're supposed to feel.  It isn't about how you can get a blessing.  It isn't.

The Bible is all about Jesus.  Every account on every page is about Him -- all 66 books -- even Leviticus -- about Jesus.

The hero of the story is Jesus.  He's the Savior.  He made the payment by His death on a cross.  You're free because of Him.

Let your heart burn for Him.

And be blessed.


Derek said...

Really enjoyed your message today. Looking through your recommended reading/authors I noticed that Dinesh D'Souza nor any contributors from the Discovery Institute for Science and Culture were not mentioned. D'Souza's "What's So Great About Christianity", "GODforsaken", "What's So Great About God", and "Life After Death" are incredible pieces of apologetics...the first being the best in my opinion. His approach is very similar to Lewis'. Looking forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks.

PK's BLOG said...

Yes Derek. Thank you for your thoughts on that. The resource you cite is a great one and I actually have it down as a resource for my next message when I will talk about science. Thanks for getting back. I really appreciate it.

Derek said...

Being able to articulate a message in defense of God's word using methods outside of scripture has helped me out tremendously. Its hard for me to defend scripture to a skeptic while using scripture as the main source. They typically just brush it off and don't take me seriously. However, if I paint a picture of our world in a way that links a creative intelligence behind its origin then I've had better luck and get a more engaged conversation. I absolutely love reading apologetics and weaving philosophy/science/reason in defending the Bible. It is amazing how much you learn and realize how much you do not know.

Side note...did you see that scientists from Northwestern of all places just scientifically proved that life begins with a flash of light (literally)? They have found that at the moment an egg has been fertilized in a human there is a release of zinc that causes a bright flash of light. I thought it was interesting...

Here is a link if you didn't see it: