Thursday, March 10, 2016


The Garden Tomb
The Journey To Israel 2016 team was at the Garden Tomb today.

Very moving.  Always.

Every time you write a date A.D. or B.C., the focal point is Jesus.  His life is the most important event in the history of the world, bar none.  More than that, it's still changing lives today.

The empty tomb isn't for religious people.  Jesus didn't come for religious people.  He was only interested in people having a relationship with the Father -- not a litany of rules, regulations, do's and don'ts.

The best thing is that the very same power that raised Jesus to life 2,000 years ago is the power available today to raise a dead marriage - a dead career - a dead dream.

At the Empty Tomb.

The other thing I'm reminded of as I stand at this amazing location is the incredible grace of God.

Grace is when God gives you what you need instead of what you deserve.

Grace is when God gives you what you need instead of what you deserve.
Grace is when God forgives you and gives you a second chance - then a third chance - then a fourth one - and a fortieth one - and a four hundredth one . . .

God shows you grace 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The next breath you're going to take is because God's grace gives it to you.

At the tomb that is empty . . .

Be blessed.

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