Thursday, February 18, 2016


I'm a big fan of sorrow.

Well, let me back that up and say first that I'm a big fan of grace.  Who wouldn't be?  It's free - it's rich - it's one way - it looks beyond the messy -- what's not to like?

But I'm also a big fan of sorrow.

What I mean is, I love and recognize the unmerited favor that rests on my life simply because I'm one of God's creations -- having done nothing to earn it -- just raise my head and let it pour down.  And yet I don't use that gift as an excuse for my own failures.

I'm in deep anguish over my failures.  If I would begin writing them here, you would get tired of reading long before my list was done, except for those of you who might revel in reading my entire list.

I'm a big fan of sorrow.

I am in sorrow.  And there's great value in that grief.  My pardon has not been casual.  It has come at great expense to all three members of the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Part of my sorrow is beginning to understand the iceberg tip of what it cost to pay for my redemption.

So I am broken by that.  Grieved.  Dolorous.  Distressed.  Sorrowful.

I can't sweep my sin under the nearest rug and call it grace.  That rug provides security and comfort, but every time I step on it it's a reminder of the sorrow I must have in order to experience the repentance I need regarding my own sin.

I'm a big fan of sorrow.

And be blessed.

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