Tuesday, November 10, 2015


God save us from the most recent red cup Starbucks end times controversy.


All kinds of Christ-followers are insisting that Starbucks is dissing Jesus with their latest plain-red holiday cup.  Evidently Starbucks hates Jesus.  Gag me with a stirrer.

You are the one sent out with the Gospel, not Starbucks.

I didn't realize it was the responsibility of a secular for-profit company to be on the front lines of the Jesus movement.  This concept is new to me.

The truth is -- this is YOUR war, Christ-follower, not Starbucks'.

YOU are the one sent out with the Gospel, not Starbucks.

YOU, the church, aren't called to business.  You're called to be in the world, not of the world, but sent to the world.

YOU are the one set apart for the Gospel, not Starbucks.  Jesus gave YOU the Gospel, not Starbucks. He gave it to you so you'd make it your life and then preach it to the nations.

Every saved person this side of heaven owes the Gospel to every lost person this side of hell.  Starbucks knows no such responsibility.  Nor does Target or Walmart or Kohls or McDonalds.  But YOU, follower of Christ -- YOU have an obligation to folks who don't know this Gospel.  You have no option.

Do you believe that?

Careful - because if you do, it forever changes what you focus on and what you complain about.  It forever changes the way you lead your life and your family.  It changes the way you spend your time and your money.  When you realize you are obligated to all people - when you realize you actually have a debt to pay in that regard - you spend your life paying it.

And you spend very little time carping about plain red Starbucks cups.  Just enjoy their coffee.  It's what they do.

Now YOU, Christ-follower, do what you're called to do.

And be blessed.


Missy said...


Unknown said...

DOING IT....While sipping on my delicious Creme BRULE LATTE.