Tuesday, August 18, 2015


With the recent departure of our friends, the Fergusons, from our pastoral team, I have been spending time thumbing through resumes, sifting through worship sample links, listening to prospective candidates and placing phone calls toward finding a Pastor of Passionate Worship for Journey Church.

All this thumbing, sifting, listening and placing gives me opportunity to reflect on what worship really is.

I've often thought about what must happen in the church seats when I tell people that for all eternity they'll spend their time worshiping God.  Mad Max who's sitting out there must roll his eyes in agony at the very thought of singing for a jillion years when he could be playing in a foursome on a cloud somewhere nearby.

We were created for worship.  But that doesn't mean the worship-service-where-the-singing-never-ends.  

I love music.  It's what I did every day for twenty-five-plus years.  But if worship is what we were created for, it has to be expanded beyond the 15-25 minutes of singing that happens on Sunday morning.  We worship thru singing, yes, but we also worship in other ways:

We worship by being obedient to the Creator.

We worship when we're grateful and thankful.

We worship when we work in such a way that God is lifted up.

We worship when we are creative for the Kingdom.

We worship when we rest and when we play and honor the God-given rhythm of life.

We worship when we pray.

We worship when we give sacrificially.

We worship when we build Godly, strong relationships with other believers.

We worship when we connect with unbelievers.

We worship when we serve others.

We worship when we live a life of purpose for God.

When we worship, God is in it.

And be blessed.


Unknown said...

So true. don't forget that many worship while they preach!

kohmars said...

Thanks PK!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Also so sorry this doesn't fit here, but we got a last minute call that God mobile at Kenosha co. Fair is short of volunteers and also would love to refer them to Journey church. .any and all are welcome, free admission provided, thank you charity 414-339-3744