Friday, April 3, 2015


What's so good about Good Friday?

It is, after all, the day we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus.  So why don't we call it 'Bad Friday' or 'Sad Friday' or at the very least 'Not-so-Great Friday?'  The Germans call it 'Sorrowful Friday.'  Just sounds closer to the truth than 'good.'

So what's so wonderful about "Good Friday?"

Only everything.

The bad part was our human condition as sinful people under condemnation.  The good news of deliverance only makes sense once we see how enslaved we were.

'Righteousness kissed peace that day.'

As terrible as that day was, it had to take place for us to receive the joy of the resurrection - the joy of Easter.  Out of death comes life.

The cross is the intersection of suffering and forgiveness.  Righteousness kissed peace that day.  For the joy set before Him Jesus endured it - on Good Friday - knowing it was the bridge to His resurrection - the path to our salvation - and the beginning of the end for the enemy of our souls.


Oh yes.

(I invite you to Easter services this weekend at Journey Church // Kenosha & // Burlington campuses.  Six opportunities.  Saturday night at 6p, Sunday at 9a and 10:45a at each campus.  Tell and bring somebody.)

And be blessed.

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