Sunday, April 5, 2015


Today is Easter.  

Easter is no 'clean up your act' day.  It isn't an April 'moral renovation' weekend.  It isn't a time to adopt a practical 'to-do list' of better behaviors for the rest of the year.

It's a day to announce, 'It is finished.'

We are completely absolved solely on the basis of the righteous act of Another.  

Our job is not to ask, "What would Jesus do?" but rather, 'What has Jesus done?'

We will never gain the best life by trying to be more aggressively better people - more worthy and deserving - more faithful.  We can not live our way to life.  We can only die our way there.

'We cannot live our way to life.'

Our best news is that Jesus rose from the grave and thereafter comes to raise other dead people.  You. Me.  Dead in our sins.

He doesn't give awards to the one who figures out a way to correct himself -- He comes to be the resurrection and the life to those who admit their need for a Savior and realize their inability to rescue themselves.

This is the beauty and story of Easter.

And be blessed.

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