Monday, December 1, 2014


Sometimes I like to try to read the Bible as if I didn't know the end of every story.  I mean, when you read the resurrection you know it's going to end great, but not before it gets terrible.  But you already know the punch line before you read it.

If you read the narrative of Daniel, you know there are going to be lions.
If you read about David, you know there's a giant.
If you read about Jehu, you know there's a lot of blood and gore (and know you'll Google that, won't you?)

But wouldn't it be so cool to open the Scriptures and ask God to let it all come alive as if it was the first time you'd ever read it?

You and I could start praying a different kind of prayer this week:  'Father, thank You for the deep roots You've developed in me, but today let the Word of Christ come alive in a way it hasn't for a long time.'

And be blessed.

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