Monday, November 3, 2014


I have a question to ask:  What do you think Jesus thinks of our church -- and by 'church,' I don't mean the building?

My dream is that we'd have a powerful group of Christ-followers who are on mission every day and spending time getting to know God Monday thru Saturday.

I know there are some improvements to be made in our church -- but you can't fix all of them -- you can only fix you.

So here's the follow up question:  What kind of church are you?

And maybe an even more important follow up would be:  What if every person at (fill in your church's name here) was like you?

Think about it.

'What if every person at your church was like you?'

What if everyone at Journey Church served the way you do?  Maybe we'd have volunteers coming out our ears.  Then again, maybe we'd have nobody doing anything at all.

What if everyone at Journey Church gave the way you give?  Maybe we'd never have to ask for a special offering again.  Maybe we'd have to ask everyone to stop giving because we had too much.  Then again, maybe we'd have to turn off the lights for good and go home.

What if everyone at Journey Church had the thoughts you had?
What if everyone spoke like you?  Prayed like you?  Had the attitudes you have?

What kind of church would we have if those things were true?

I don't think it's a bad question.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Very thought provoking. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Very Thought Provoking. Thank You