Sunday, November 30, 2014



Occasionally - perhaps too often - I 'open up my chest' to folks in order to be vulnerable about something I'm thinking, feeling, believing, etc.  The downside of that is that I have the privilege of pastoring a decent-sized church and that's a lot of people who get to view my open chest.

But . . .

There's something that's always bothered be about the Charismatic church - and I can say this because I are one ----

Down thru the years we've had a history of saying: 'The most important thing about life with the Holy Spirit is a particular few of the gifts found in I Corinthians' - then we'd go on to fill in the blank with whatever gift or gifts we thought most important --- prophecy --- tongues --- (insert your favorite Holy Spirit gift here).

We have been guilty of saying - or at least non-verbally communicating - that we Pentecostals had a corner on the market when it came to those 'best' gifts, almost as if the other gifts given by the Holy Spirit were fine, but somehow less spiritual - less anointed - less desirable - than the Big Two or Three.

So not true.

'God can really do something with that.'

Before the apostle Paul even starts talking about spiritual gifts he says know that you'll only get them when you walk in humility.  That's in Romans 12, before he starts speaking about 'gifts given according to the grace given to each of us.'

Then, before he gets to the rest of the stuff we think so all-fire important he says:  'You need each other.  You're part of a body, every one with different gifts critical to the health and life of the church.'  We aren't made up of some professional clergy and a few spiritual rock stars.  We need each other.

The reason God gave us gifts wasn't so you could say, 'Look what I have - I'm the prophet ... Look what I have - I put my hands on people and they get better.'  That isn't how it works --- at all.  The gifts are given so we can encourage each other - bless each other - continue the work of God in the earth today.

When Jesus left, He passed the baton to twelve people.  He said:  'I'm going away, but the Holy Spirit will come and ultimately you'll do greater things than I.'

So ... are you willing to accept that challenge from Jesus today - for our time - for our generation - as Jesus passes the baton to us ... will you accept the challenge to continue the work of Christ in the greater Kenosha and Burlington areas?

Will you?

Good.  I think God can really do something with that.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I love the fact that you are more open with us. I can relate and say to myself that there are plenty of times that I did this or that...or felt a certain way...or messed up. It reminds me that you are just like the rest of us, not just a pastor.

This post reminds me of something. You all were doing a series years ago. If memory serves me right it was about the Holy Spirit. I was excited to hear about how He helps us and guides us. But you focused a lot on speaking in tongues. I remember you asked for us to come up front if we wanted to pray. I went up there and I prayed and prayed...nothing. The pastors came around and laid their hands on our shoulders and prayed for us...still nothing. I felt like a failure and I cried when I got home. I knew then that I wasn't a 'good Christian.'

I sincerely don't say that to make you feel bad. It's just what happened to me. Even when I went to my very first life group, they all spoke in tongues. First off, I was too self-conscious to pray out loud. But it never happened to me.

I will say that the times I was there when someone did, it was so awesome to hear spoken words from God Himself! It gave me chills. Reading over the spiritual gifts, I can't see one that I have ever possessed. I imagine I know why. :/

Anonymous said...

One other thing, years ago, when Prayer House church was hit by a tornado, the church met at another church near me. Pastor Ron Auch had prayer meetings there. I went with some friends several times. So many people there were speaking in tongues. I can't even describe how awestruck I was. The whole room was electric. It felt so holy. Only a handful of people interpreted, but I knew God was there in a mighty way. It often made me cry with the beauty of it all.