Saturday, September 27, 2014


When it comes to understanding the bigness and greatness of God, people tend to go where they should go - to the Bible.  But when it comes to asking questions about ourselves, we increasingly go to the social sciences ...

Am I a first-born, the middle child or the baby of the family?
Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
Am I an otter, a golden retriever or a beaver?
Am I a red, a yellow, a green or a blue?
Am I a thinker or a feeler?
Am I an E-N-T-P or maybe a J-E-R-K?

We hand over our identity to psychology and we turn our backs on Scripture.

'The worst place to start forming your identity is with you.'

Should we use those other tools?  Sure.  They may help explain us, but they're capable of defining us.  They may tell you some things about who you are, but they don't reveal who you are in Christ.

When we want to ask, 'What is my identity?,' let's go to Scripture.  Because the worst place to start forming your identity is with you -- and the next worse place to go is to others.

The best place to define your identity is in Christ.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I was a psych major in college, so I have been prone to taking some of those tests. But I tend to be very introspective, so they really don't tell me anything I didn't already know. Besides that, things aren't so black and white.

For instance, I am the first-born. However, my next brother is the real go-getter. The area that I always excelled in, though, is academically. My Dad always instilled a strong education and high grades.

I am more of an introvert, but I find the customer service part of my job fairly easy. I know you have said you are an introvert, as well. Yet you continually see folks out and about and you are very nice and friendly.

I have this idea of myself that I am a feeler primarily, but I thrive on many topics I can research information on.

Nope, there are plenty of gray areas.

I know that God sees me as His beloved child. He sees what I can be. I wonder who that woman would be. What would my best self accomplish? Would I be an extremely giving and loving Christian? Would I be a good witness for Christ? Would I truly be a person that makes God smile? That is something I used to wish for. All of the times that I was simply delighted with my children, I just beamed and radiated so much love. It's a warm feeling to imagine that God could be that way with me. Whenever I walk in the sunlight I feel a warm favorite times to pray.

PK's BLOG said...

Yes I think that has been a misunderstanding for a long time regarding introvert and extrovert.being kind and gracious is not at odds with being an introvert. I know plenty of extroverts who are just grouchy all the time even though they're loud. At the end of the day we're all gods children aren't we? Perfectly designed by him for good works designed specifically for us.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think you are a perfect introvert. I always see you smiling and just "present" in the moment. I am that way a good deal of the time, but I do have those times when I have retreated to my shell.

It's so reassuring to know that God is pure love. I realize that He disciplines us, but He is so grace-filled when I don't deserve it.

I truly do hope I spread goodwill and love in my life. Sometimes, I get feedback from my customers and I know I have made them feel appreciated. Honestly, I have often thought of myself as an encourager. That is one thing I wouldn't want to change.