Sunday, August 31, 2014


If history has taught us anything, it's that people have tried to make a name for themselves down throughout the ages rather than glorify God.  They've built towers, palaces and cities for themselves in order to be secure so they didn't have to go 'out there' --- which is the mission of God for every believer.

The plan of God from the beginning was for us to go -- not stay behind safe walls -- but to make God's name known in all the earth.

We need to be careful that 'staying safe' never defines us -- because the church has a sketchy track record on this kind of thing.

'We're called to be outward-focused.'

We are the worshipping, missionary community of God called to be a blessing to the world -- yet we'll always be tempted to build a steeple that stretches a little higher and revel in that -- we'll be tempted to put together more amazing programs that are a little better than last year's and revel in that.  The temptation will always exist to define the success of church by the 75-minute weekend meeting and message - by the singing - by the attendance -- but that isn't what we're here for.

We aren't here to be safe and secure and happy.  We aren't here just to enjoy each other.  We're here to keep ourselves alert toward lost people headed for eternities separated from God.  We're here to bring life outside our walls -- not get all comfy and cozy inside.

We're called to be OUTWARD-FOCUSED.  Here's how we say that at Journey Church:

'We do not cater to personal preference because we are not here exclusively for us.  We exist for the world.  We will do anything short of sin to reach people who do not know Christ.'

And the personal application question for us all is:  'Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to connect people to Christ?'

Are you?

And be blessed.

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