Sunday, July 20, 2014


We love rainbows.  It doesn't matter your age, everybody loves seeing them.  Nearly everybody has taken out their camera - their phone - and captured the bow in the sky.

If you haven't - well - something's wrong with you.

It's one of the most extraordinary wonders in all creation and it's been the subject of myth and mystery for centuries.

Greek mythology says it's the belt of the goddess Iris.
Some believe it's a stairway that descends from heaven to earth and back.
Some see rainbows as signs of good luck.
Certain Native American tribes believe they are bridges between the living and dead.
Little Irish leprechauns reportedly have pots of gold at one end.
The gay community has adopted it as one of their symbols.
Dorothy from Kansas warbled about it in 'The Wizard of Oz.'

Rainbows are special.

When Noah and his family came out of the ark after the great flood, God placed the rainbow in the sky.  He was making a unilateral covenant that He'd never again destroy the earth by water because of man's wickedness.

The covenant wasn't a mutual agreement; it wasn't a contract.  God wasn't saying, 'If you do this, I'll do that - if you don't do this, then I won't do that.'  It was, 'I establish MY covenant.'

Not we, but I.

It was unilateral and unconditional.  God was saying, "I set this in concrete.'  Man can't validate it or invalidate it.  Man doesn't deserve it, but there's nothing he can ever do that will cause God to break it.

That's ... pretty ... remarkable.

Because the fact is, man returned to his wickedness about as soon as the rainbow disappeared from the sky.  But God's covenant was unconditional - inviolable.  It's intact still today.  'I set My bow in the sky.'

So every time you see a rainbow in the sky - every single time - it isn't just a thing of beauty - it represents the victory of grace over judgment.

What does this world deserve?  Judgment.

What do you and I deserve?  Judgment.

What does this world get?  What do you and I get?  Grace.

That's God's covenant with you and me.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

God made a beautiful world for all of us, but the rainbow is one of the best. I was so fortunate twice to see a double rainbow! I was so excited! It was glorious! It is God's brush dipped in the colors on the spectrum and splashed across the sky in broad strokes. Just another instance when He shows us the promise of what can be in His world.

Anonymous said...

PK, this isn't about rainbows this time, but it is 'timely' and relevant to Christians around the world. Of course, I have been watching the coverage of the Israeli-Hamas conflict. I am pro-Israel, too, but today they bombed a school where Palestinians were waiting to be evacuated by the UN as refugees. It is reported that Hamas has imbedded missiles at civilian sites...including the school. But, bombing a school??? Couldn't they have found a better way? The pictures on the news are terrible. It is just an awful shame that the world cannot find a peaceful way to co-exist.

Anyway, if this is too controversial or irrelevant, you don't have to publish it. I just know that Christians are strongly pro-Israel (as am I) but the atrocities I see on CNN give me questions. I just wonder what you all think? Does it take your breath away, too? I just cannot imagine bombings taking place in our cities and war all around us. What a frightening way to live....for all of them.

What WOULD Jesus do? Is it all part of His plan? One of the most important changes in the face of war is that we can see it all with our own eyes nightly. It's not just strategy and is other souls that God loves just as much as us. And it is horrible for all. We are all more alike than different. Most of humanity are good people. We can't forget that in our quest to be right.