Monday, June 9, 2014


On the six days of creation, God worked.  On the seventh, He rested.


Was He tired?

No.  It means He was deeply satisfied.  His work was completed.  He had finished everything He set out to do.  And on the seventh day, He stopped.  Not for His benefit, but for ours.  The Sabbath day of rest was intended for your enjoyment - for your recovery - actually, for your re-creation.

God initiated work as a good thing; but He initiated rest as a God thing.

"Work hard - be satisfied - rest well - recover."

Jesus also achieved everything He set out to do accomplish.  As He hung on the cross and said, 'It is finished,' He wasn't just saying, 'I'm dying now,' He was saying, 'What I've set out to do ... My purpose here ... all that's necessary ... has been completed.'

The payout for us is that in Jesus we can have rest -- relational rest - physical rest - emotional rest - spiritual rest - eternal rest.  In Christ the work is finished for you. 



Your security - your fulfillment - your identity - is no longer defined by the role you're temporarily playing here on planet Earth, but by who you've been made in Christ.  In Jesus you can look at your work - look at your life - look at your accomplishments and say: "It's absolutely satisfying; it's good."

And be blessed.

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