Wednesday, May 21, 2014


We should listen to ourselves in our sometimes interactions with God ...

ME:  'God, why are You idly standing by while (fill in the blank) happens?'

GOD:  'I'm not idle, dude.  Anything but.'

ME:  'Well, it sure seems like You are.  I don't know why You aren't showing Your plan for everybody to see right now.'

GOD:  'Why don't you shut up and trust My plan?'

ME:  'My mom told me to never say "Shut up."'

GOD:  'Shut up.'

ME:  'Well, I don't know if I really like the plan You're putting forward right now.  It doesn't seem like You're really going to come thru.'

GOD:  'Didn't I just tell you to shut up?'

ME:  'But what are You doing, God?'

GOD:  'I know what I'm doing?'

ME:  'Are you sure?'


And be blessed.


Anonymous said...


I have said it countless other times, but God always sees me thru. Every single time I am freaking out down to the wire about where I'm going to end up. Will I be homeless, living with someone I can't stand (sorry God...just being real) or in over my head with rent too high?

I am SO happy to say that, so far, I love my new living arrangements! The two women I share a house with are really nice, but they respect my privacy, too. I am an introvert and I like plenty of time to myself. They give me room to breathe. Yet, when we talk it is comfortable and friendly.

I always get incredibly nervous to see what will come my way in life...then God takes care of it. Part of what makes me doubt is that I know how little I deserve His care. I can't help but think there is going to come a day when He says..."Enough, you're on your own." But, for now, I am in a good place and I can't attribute it to anyone but Him.

Anonymous said...

Worst post ever. Not liking the association to God in quotation other than quoting His written word. Shame on you. Even in jest or trying to get through to new age group. God's word in gentleness and He will do the rest. Ugly. Like I told you before the lord is not present without His word. The Lord does the salvation and with that statement I have my doubts

PK's BLOG said...

Thanks for anonymous. Proof that I am no respecter of comments by publishing your post. Thanks for submitting. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

PK. You casted the line and baited the hook well. I hope it was intentional for reactionary reasons and I will just 'believe' it was. God bless my brother and remember, God is good ALWAYS.