Tuesday, April 22, 2014


'There's a wideness in God's mercy and it sets the captive free;
Unmerited favor for the broken -- bringing life and liberty.
There's a wideness in God's mercy that can beat sin's strongest test;
It can put them as far from you as the east is from the west.

It's a goodness that knows no limit;
And it will never run out,
From the day you let Him in, you're covered;
Makes me want to shout.

Grace is not a single occurrence, but a life that can be lived;
Every morning as you start your day, new mercy He will give.
It's deeper than the ocean and higher than mountains tall;
Your past, your present, your future doesn't matter --- His goodness covers all.'

'Grace is not a single occurrence, but a life that can be lived.'

There's a goodness gap --- a gap between what we want to be and what we really are.

So I must ask: What do you work hard to hide?  I mean, something in your life that even people close to you don't know?  What is it?

Did you know you can't hide that from God?  He knows about it.  But there's a goodness gap between what we want to be and what we really are.

But there doesn't have to be --- because there is a wideness in God's mercy even bigger than our goodness gap.

That wideness covers all our sin.
It sets us free.
It's lifts us out.
It gives us a forever.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how other people feel, but I find that knowing that God knows every single thing about is comforting. Because I know that He will never stop loving me. I like the fact that I don't have to confess at every turn. He already knows it all.

I used to go to Catholic churches and you are supposed to confess to the priest. Speaking of confessions, I will confess to you all that I never once went to confession. I didn't grow up in the church and I was never clear as to what I was supposed to say...so I didn't go. It had little to do with being embarrassed, but not knowing the correct procedures.

I think the people closest to me actually know most everything about me. I often wish they didn't, but they do. I've tried lying my way thru it all, but I would get careless and be found out anyway. But God knows me and He still loves me. That's far more than I could hope for.