Sunday, April 20, 2014


The stats are that the average non-morning person hits snooze three times in the morning.  That's thirty minutes of extra sleep -- and many of you actually set your alarm clock thirty minutes early precisely because you know you're going to hit it three times.  But then what do you do?  You push it a fourth time because you knew you had a snooze cushion.

You people are what we call snooze abusers.  We keep hitting snooze because it's nice and toasty under the covers -- or because the hassles of the day are already bombarding us before our feet have even hit the floor.

But there's a life snooze button too - and many are living on snooze.

If you're a follower of Christ, think about your life before you met Jesus.  Loneliness - abuse - addiction - dissatisfaction - unfulfillment - purposelessness - in the fog of life ---- and in a way, you were hitting the life snooze button again and again.  But even after you became a follower of Christ, there were still seasons of life where you were kind of spiritually sleepwalking, not really tuned in to God.  You knew He was there, but He wasn't that real to you.

'Just let me hit snooze.  Ten more minutes and then I'll deal with it.  Ten more minutes and then I'll think about God.  Ten more minutes and then I'll see if Jesus works like they say.'

'Ten more minutes and I'll deal with it.'

Maybe we're hitting the snooze when it comes to our past - past memories, past hurts, past difficult relationships.  We hear the alarm go off and we just don't want to deal with them.  'Ten more minutes.  I'll think about it then.'  Snooze.

Maybe your snooze button is about the future and the anxiety and uncertainty of tomorrow.  That weighs on you.  You aren't ready to confront that.  'Maybe it'll go away -- ten more minutes.'  Snooze.

Maybe it's about today - parenting drama, relationship drama, work drama, school drama, career drama, money drama, emotional drama.  You just want to hit snooze and pull the covers over your head.

The great news of Easter is that we can wake up to God and begin to live the life He designed us to live.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, PK! Are you peeking into my everyday life? I am a night-owl. Even though I keep getting scheduled at work in the AM. Yes, I do push the snooze most everyday 4 You have me pegged.

And I am an expert at hiding my head in the sand. I just don't really want to deal with the realities of my life. I put them off until they simply require my attention. Drama truly isn't my middle-name. Until it is, that is.

I admit, with all sincerity, that I often think..."Well God will still be there when I am ready." If Jesus came back tomorrow, I wouldn't be ready to go before the Judgment Seat.

Sometimes, I wonder what in the world God had in mind when he formed me. What is it that I am meant to do in my life? It's still a mystery to me.

I completely 100% know that God has worked in my life. Still don't understand the 'why's' of it all, though. What is it that He is saving me for? I have tried to end my life, but He won't let me. I just don't get it.

Anyway, maybe someone else has traveled this path...maybe not. I just know that it won't be your time until God allows it. Been there, done that. Hang in there. Tomorrow always seem to be a better day..thank God.

Susie Milo said...

Haha! I am definitely a snooze-abuser. My first alarm goes off at 5:00 AM, and I don't have to get up till 7:00. The first snooze is 30 minutes, then several 10 minute sessions, then it goes to 5, and finally to 3. (yes -- I wake up each time, and set the next one)
Why? The sleep I get when I feel like I'm cheating time is the most delicious!

But do I live my Christian life that way? No way. I'm very aware that Jesus could take us at any moment, and I want to be completely ready and waiting with oil in my lamp. No "5 more minutes" for me in that regard. I want to be the very best version of me that is possible -- to be the woman God designed me to be, and constantly working toward improvement.

I wonder if God cares that I use the snooze button....?

Susie Milo said...

Oh. Actually, I think that was covered about 3-4 weeks back under the Sloth message...