Sunday, March 9, 2014


We may not process it cognitively, but there are three words that reveal your jealousy quotient -- we've all said them -- they are three words you have to be on personal watch for.

Here they are -- very practical right now -- every person reading this has used these three words -- 100% of us have -- they are 'code words' for jealousy.


The three words are ...

You know how your voice goes UP just a little bit at the end of that short sentence to reveal your cynicism and jealousy?

Say it out loud.  You'll see.

They have enough money to live in that neighborhood?  MUST BE NICE.

She's the boss's pet.  MUST BE NICE.

I hear they're taking the whole family to Disneyland.  MUST BE NICE.

She has such a fast metabolism.  MUST BE NICE.

Nobody's ever said 'MUST BE NICE' without a tone attached.  And when we say 'MUST BE NICE,' we're really saying, 'Why them and not me?'

I Corinthians 13:4 says: "Love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious."

Love says: 'I'm for you, even when you're more successful than I.'
'I'm for you, even though you're more prominent than I.'
I'm for you, even though you're better looking than I.'
I'm for you, even though you're more gifted than I.'

I'm for you.  I've always been for you - I'm for you right now - I'll always be for you.  I celebrate your success because Jesus loves you and I love you.

How NICE is that?

And be blessed.

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