Wednesday, January 22, 2014


When I got married to Joelene I really had no clue what in the world I was doing.  She might tell you I still don't.  I've learned a lot since then, of course, but I wish someone would have shared with me before getting married that you should order your life this way:


1 - Know who your Master is.  Know what rules your life.

2 - What does your Master want from you?  What is your mission?

3 - Prepare yourself to choose a mate who will help fulfill that mission.

That isn't exactly the way I did it.  I breezed right to Number 3 and popped the question in the back seat of a Ford.  

'Master … Mission … Mate'

Why waste time with that Master, Mission, Mate junk?  It was 'mate' and 'checkmate,' baby.  We'll figure that rest of that crud out as we go.

But, 'Let's get a good church and be happy,' isn't a worthy cause for a marriage.

A worthy cause is something like: 'We'll help each other grow to become more like Christ - we'll express God's love intimately and exclusively with one another - we'll be an outreach force as we model the love of Christ to those around us.'  That would be worthy.

Why are you in the business community you're in?
Why are you in the neighborhood you're in?
Why are you in the church you're in?
Why are you in the ministry or serving group you're in?
Why are you in the marriage you're in?

Is there a cause greater than you and is everyone agreeing to it?

And be blessed.

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