Thursday, January 2, 2014


C. Sandburg said: 'It is necessary … for a man to go away by himself … to sit on a rock .. and ask, 'Who am I?  Where have I been?  Where am I going?'

One of the only ways to get those questions answered is by being alone … with God … away from noise, away from clamor, away from distraction.

'Solitude is Godly; isolation is deadly.'

Maybe the second day of a brand new year is a terrible time to be talking about this, but it seems it would be at the very top of each of our 'To Be' lists this year.

Be with God.
Be alone.
Be connected to Him.
Be near to Him.
Just Be.

This isn't isolation, it's solitude.  They're very different.  We aren't in burnout mode where we have to dip into a cave in order to just survive.  Instead, we're aware that what we require more than anything is to hear God and receive from Him what we need so that we don't become burned out.

Solitude is Godly; isolation is deadly.  But if we don't get the former right, we'll inevitably wind up experiencing the latter.

Jesus modeled this for us.  Get alone somewhere and check out:
Matthew 14:23
Mark 6:31
Luke 4:42; 5:16

Put solitude on your "BE" list this year.

And BE blessed.

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