Thursday, December 19, 2013


Today is the 6th day before Christmas.  In the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas, 6 stands for 6 geese-a-laying.

That reminds us of the 6 days of creation:

Day 1:  The heavens, the earth, light and darkness
Day 2:  Sky and water
Day 3:  Dry land, the seas and vegetation
Day 4:  The sun, moon and stars
Day 5:  Living creatures in the water and birds of the air
Day 6:  Land animals & man and woman

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Maybe my comments from yesterday should have been today. Oh, well. It all is remarkable when you think of the scope of creation. It never stops.

Anyway, when God made man, if I am remembering correctly, He said, "It is not good for man to be alone." So, He created Eve. It takes two to conceive a seems that most of the people in the Bible had a husband or wife.

Do you think it is not really God's plan for someone to choose to be single? I know Paul believed that either way was fine, as long as you set your sights on God.

I know the Bible says it is better to be married than to burn with desire.

Sometimes, it all makes me wonder. It would be different if I met my "soulmate", but that is not likely to happen. Besides, I am not even looking anymore. I like being on my own.

Didn't the Bible say that if a husband died and the wife was widowed, then a brother would marry her? It just seems that His "perfect" plan was for a man and wife to become one.

I suppose if God's plan for my life is to be married, then He would have to send a man knocking at my door. :/

Anyway, I know His plan, most certainly, was not for me to divorce. We made our vows in the church before God and we broke them.

This whole married, single, divorced topic is interesting. I will say that it would be nice, just once, if JC would address the singles out here. Most everything pertains to married couples. We tend to get lost in the crowd. Lol, ok, maybe not me. I tend to comment on your blog regularly. Anyway, food for thought. Even if it is on the blog sometime...I think it would be awesome if you addressed the topic of "singlehood".

PK's BLOG said...

God knows your situation. His plan for you isn't second-class because you're single. We do touch on singlehood from time to time at Journey Church. You may not be there every weekend to hear that. We could probably do a better job at that however. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know He has a plan, but He did bring something to mind to me after I wrote this. You have to BE the right person to find the right person. Even if I were looking to find someone, I am not the right person right now. I need to work on my own stuff.

I know you talked about singles a bit during your last message on Marriage, though. I can't remember to exact title of the sermon. It was part of a series, with you and Joelene.

Anonymous said...

I remembered what the topic of your message was on sex. And the part about singles was that it is off limits...nothing, And when you are married anything goes. You had a big bed as a prop and you and Joelene sat on it while you gave part of your sermon. Some of your props are pretty cool. And some are unexpected... ;)