Wednesday, December 25, 2013


I want to show you a video of our grandson Elias as he opened one of his 12 Days Before Christmas gifts.  When our kids were small, my mother used to individually wrap one small gift to be opened one-a-day the 12 days preceding Christmas.  They weren't bank-breakers, but as little children, our kids loved opening that little trinket every morning as the big December 25th approached.  It was a warmer-upper.  Now that we have grandkids of our own, we've picked up the tradition.

Before I show you that video, let's talk 'real Christmas.'

God loved the world so much He did what people who are in love do.  He gave.  That's good news.

But in first century Roman/Greek culture, people saw things very differently.  They believed in a plethora of gods - none of them real.  Then when something happened, they'd say: 'Oh, it's the gods … the gods are angry … the gods are jealous … the gods are playing … it's the gods who killed our baby … the gods brought the storm … the gods destroyed our crops' … and so on.

'If we just stopped right there, that would be the most remarkable news.'

And into that culture, the disciple John writes:  "No, that isn't it.  God loved this world so much He gave His one and only Son."  (John 3:16)

This was such new news to the culture of the day -- that God was some kind of loving Father who sent His Son into the world as a baby - born of a virgin.  Then His Son, Jesus, lived a perfect life - never once sinning or being disobedient - tempted in every way like you and me.  Then Jesus walked willingly to a cross to give His life for our wrongdoings - standing in our place - as our substitute - to pay for the sins of a world that God loved.

And if we just stopped right there, that would be the most remarkable news -- that the Creator of the universe loved this world and gave His only Son for it.

Period.  End of story.  End of the Gospel.  Good news.

Now … as promised and enticed … here is a bonus video of our grandson, Elias, as he opened a pair of giant green play glasses -- his final 12 Days of Christmas gift on Christmas Eve.  It has no particular point other than that I think he's amazing and smart and funny -- and it's my blog -- so …


And be blessed.

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