Sunday, November 10, 2013


There's a lot of talk about morality in the church today.  Fine.  But I don't think morality should be the church's number one concern.  Christianity isn't about trying to get good people to be better.  Last time I checked it was more about less-than-good (i.e. bad) people continually falling short of the Good Bar.

I have a coaster on my desk that says: 'No wise man ever wished to be younger.'  I have to say - and almost hate to say - that I made so many mistakes early on in the ministry of my youth that it's a shock I'm still working.  I'd like to go back and change some of the messages I gave on grace, salvation, forgiveness, theology, sanctification, end times, the Ten Commandments, pretty much you-name-it.

'I'd like to apologize to everybody who sat thru that lameness.'


I think my underlying M.O. was to convince people to get excited about doing and being better - just change.  You'll like it.  It's good for you.  He'll help you, maybe.  But it was a prescription to put their eyes, ears, head, thoughts and energies on themselves rather than on Jesus.  I'd like to go back and apologize to everybody who sat thru that lameness.

E. Peterson said: 'Discipleship is a process of paying more and more attention to God's righteousness and less and less attention to our own.'

And there you have it -- what I should have been preaching all along.


The honest truth is - and I say it's the honest truth simply because it's been my experience -- that the more I focus on improving myself, the worse I seem to get.  The Bible isn't a self-help manual.  It is one long, wonderful, redemptive narrative of God looking past our rebellion and offering us rescue.  We fail; He favors.  We are guilty; He is graceful.

Unlame indeed.

And be blessed.


Pastor John Oscar said...

Great stuff PK. Get people to where they need to be in Christ by keeping them focused on HIM.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, PK, I reread this a couple of times to see if maybe I missed something. Umm, no, not really. I am wracking my brain and thinking about why I feel compelled to be BETTER. Maybe it is because I wanted to be a good girl when I was a child. Maybe I have read one too many self-help books. I find it hard to relinquish the idea that if only I could be better, smarter, responsible, moral...then all would be ok.

It's hard to just focus on God's forgiveness when I know that 'I' am the one who is sinful. Not It's all my fault. I am the one who chooses my own path.

Of course, then I beat myself up (for good reason) and I seriously drift so much further from God.

I think that life would be so much easier if there were an on-off switch to guide our behavior. But, God has made us so intricate and our thoughts so complex, that it seems we truly are the masters of our own fate. I don't know, I am afraid that if I stop even trying then I will face the consequences with God.

BTW, to my mind, some of your early sermons were inspired. That is what made you my favorite pastor.

Anonymous said...

PK, this post just makes me delve deeper into my own behavior as of late. I just can't let myself off of the hook, because God is merciful.

I have often bared my soul on the blog, so I will now. I do try to be authentic on the blog.... whatever I am going thru. Sometimes, it is cathartic.

I got a new job about 3 months ago. I was absolutely thrilled and felt blessed. Well, with that job came the money to indulge in my weakness, my sin. It is a double-edged sword. I can become self-sufficient and be happy that I can have some kind of life. I just haven't shaken off my problem. When I am in the midst of indulging, it doesn't feel like a problem. It feels like home...comfortable.

I waffled on writing this. My posts for the last few months have been upbeat. If anyone out there has something....anything, that has gotten a hold of them, then I know where you are right now. I am there with you.

God's mercy is amazing, but I am bringing this all down on my own head.

Anonymous said...

PK. Well written. This is so true. The more focus on trying to be better the worse we feel. I am glad my senior pastors are old guys who have been around :-). They say old age is a big price to pay for wisdom but I'll pay it any day. Prov 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"

PK's BLOG said...

Um ... THANK YOU??