Saturday, November 16, 2013


Here's something that is absolutely true about every single person reading this right now ... you are completely forgiven.

'There isn't anybody who has put their hope in Christ that He just put a new coat of paint on.'

What could be better than that?  There isn't anybody who has put their hope in Christ that He just put a new coat of paint on.  If your'e in Christ, He made you brand new.

Here's another thing.  You are completely valuable.  You aren't an accident.  You can go to an antique store and see a piece of junk you wouldn't pay 50 cents for.  Somebody else can see that same object and lay down a thousand dollars.  Why?  Because they see something of value there that you don't see.  Jesus sees something in you that you don't see in you.  You were bought at great cost - the death of God's one and only Son.  How could we ever look in the mirror and devalue what Jesus died for?

Here's my personal truth:  The person I've probably had the hardest time loving over the years --- has been me.  Some of us still have a challenge looking in the mirror and believing there's a God who might really love us.

I have a heavenly Father who is bigger than my mess.  He's bigger than your mess.  He knows all about your past -- He knows all about your present.  Your biggest junk isn't too big for His grace.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, most always I feel as if I have to earn my love from God. And most of the time I fall short of being a 'good enough' Christian. I have certain periods of time that I feel that I have gotten it right, though. (I know we are never perfect, but you know what I mean) I wish I could hold on to those times, but it seems to be very hard for me to stay focused. It never fails, I go back to neglecting my relationship with Him. That's when I have no idea how He can love me when I drift so far away. The thing is, I can still feel His grace and acceptance towards me. I am not disciplined nearly as often as I deserve to be. He truly has blessed me so many times. It's not that I am not terribly grateful, but like many of my relationships, there is a sense of ebb and flow. I always come back, though. Once I love someone I always love them and, of course, my Lord is no exception.

My favorite part of the Bible is Psalm 139. It pertains to this post very much. It is beautiful.

I know exactly what you mean about not loving yourself. I have always felt that I didn't fit in. Others have things together more than I do. I have a sense of being 'put down' when most likely they have their own things they are dealing with besides me. I have heard the saying that, "You would worry less about what others think of you if you knew how little they did". It makes sense, but it can be hard to believe in your mind. Oh well, one thing I do know is that the older I get the less I care about what others think of me...and I like that.