Thursday, November 14, 2013


I am not making this up.

An Alabama newspaper ran an ad many years ago that went like this:

'Hounded by nagging guilt?  Get rid of it the modern way, the same way you eliminate wetness, bad breath or limp curls.  Spray it away with GUILT-AWAY!'

It was the brainchild of Mike and Craig, Corn-Berg Laboratories employees -- a real 8-ounce spray bottle of rose water and emulsifiers that supposedly allowed the guilt-stricken to spritz away their troubles.

The pair were nursing matching hangovers after a wild weekend sailing trip.  Trading jokes about guilt, they decided what the world needed was a 20th-century quick and easy way to be rid of it.

Bottles of GUILT-AWAY sold for $3.98 apiece.

[If you're struggling with guilt, this will never be your answer, of course.  Come back over the next few days and find out what the real answer is.]

And be blessed.

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