Saturday, September 21, 2013


God has a heart.

Oh, I know He's spirit, but He gets angry.  He expresses joy.  He laughs.  Yes, God laughs.  Imagine that.  Sure, several times when He's laughing He's laughing at His enemies, but still . . .

So when we talk about the heart of God, we consider how God feels.  Have you ever thought about that before?  God feels.  He has a heart.

'God has a heart.'

Perhaps it isn't all that surprising to you that He has one.  Maybe what is far more surprising is the guy in the Bible He chooses to lift up as the example to help us understand His own heart.

The only person in the whole Bible who is referred to as having a heart like God's is David.  David didn't say it about David.  Others didn't say it about David.  God said it about David.

David, the shepherd boy ... David, the warrior ... David, the eventual king ... David, beloved of God ... but also, David, the liar ... David, the murderer ... David, the adulterer ... David, the cheater ... David, the arrogant ... David, the abuser of power ... David, the conspirator ... that David.

Honestly, if this is the criteria God uses, maybe you and I have a shot.

It sure gives me hope.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I always found it curious that God singled out David, all things considered. Oh well.

I think that talking about God's heart is an absolutely beautiful thing! I just got home from work and this post is a delight to end a good day! I adore thinking about God and His feelings...all of them. He makes me smile... :)
It's fun to imagine God laughing. I have to think that He laughs often at me and shakes His head. I can be such a goofball sometimes. That's ok, He made me this way and I know He adores me!

It's not surprising to know that God has a heart at all, but it is wonderful to stop and think of Him this way. I sure love Him!

Thanks for posting this, PK! Awesome post about an awesome God!

Anonymous said...

This doesn't really pertain to God's heart, but it's about PDan's message this morning. You know how God speaks to you thru other people? Well, this morning was perfect timing for me. I have had a little bit of an issue with challenging people at work. He spoke of acceptance and unity. About accepting others who are different from us. I needed that today. I thought about having you pray for me to have an open heart towards them, but then I didn't. But if you think of it, I would love for you to pray for me to be a good witness for Christ and for Him to live thru me and shine His light. Thanks, PK. I have been praying, too.