Friday, August 9, 2013


All my life I've been 'that other guy.'  Always picked last for the sports team in grade school.  When it was just me and the one girl left to pick from:  "We'll take Sally!  You get Kevin!"  Last in line, last getting the girl, last for his acne to clear up, last to be known, last to shave, you name it.  Last.

Then I read E. Richardson's take on it, slightly abridged by me:  With less money, you give more.  When there is less status, you grant status to those who have none.  In becoming the judged, you relinquish your own judgments.  Downward mobility becomes the new goal.  In being freed from our bondage of success, being first or being known, upward mobility and status, we are now able to live in the reality of downward-directed love.  

'Last ... and loving it.'

No longer 'that other guy.'  Last ... and loving it.

And be blessed.  


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, you are my fav person at JC. You have been a good confidant for me. When I have really needed someone to be there when I was stuck in the mire of my life, you would pray for me.

I agree, I kind of like being one of the least of us...or last. I feel unchained by the self-imposed pressure of being good enough. It truly is freeing. I can just be comfortable with being me. That's one of the best things about God...I am just myself and that is more than enough for Him.

Years ago, when I was married, we had to have a bigger house, nicer car, more clothes and eat at fancier get the picture. There was an effort to be good enough in everyone else's eyes. I have grown past that and have been able to down-size and stream-line my life. I have given the excess in my life to Goodwill to let someone else enjoy. It's kind of nice to not have so much "stuff". If that is what makes me last then I'll take it. I have "just enough". :)

Anonymous said...

PK. You are awesome and authentic - and best of all for our well being as God designed it - a broken man. Thank you for being who you are.