Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Good people deserve good stuff and bad people deserve bad stuff.  It's logical enough.  The idea that bad people get good stuff offends me.

What I forget is that the entire story of the Bible is not about how God has blessed good people, but about how He has blessed bad ones.

As someone has said: This is a one-way story of love.

I am continually tempted to put fences around grace.  I'd like the fence to be low enough for me to step over - but once over, I yearn for it to be waist high - shoulder high - even head high - for those coming behind me.

Grace scares me to death.  It is completely reckless.  Irresponsible.  It leaves me naked.  Suspicious.  Wary.  Too good to be true.  There's a catch somewhere.

'Grace scares me to death.'

But no.  There is no fine print.  No conditions.  No trick warranty.  No footnotes too small to read.  No bait-and-switch.  Extravagant.  Scandalous.  Outrageous.  Incredible.  Undeserved.  Shameful.

Jesus took your rap sheet and put it on Himself.  Your record has been transferred to Him and vice versa.


And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

You know how someone will do a terrible crime and family and friends will say that they don't know what happened, because "He was a good person?" Well, I always thought of myself as a good person doing bad things, but deep-down I have a good heart. In some ways that is true, but that's too easy. It is a little bit like giving myself a pass. I was a wretched, selfish, and deeply sinful person for about 2 years. Don't ask me why God gave me another chance to change it all. I never deserved it. THAT is grace. I am so lost without Him. This time I am running with this second chance. Hopefully, straight into His arms when I die. It's a lot to look forward to. This life is just a test drive...the real deal is in Heaven.

Kevin said...

I was having one of the worst days I'd had in a long time, and I had actually asked God earlier tonight why other people who aren't Christian seem to have everything going their way. I finally got around to checking my email and reading your daily post. Talk about God answering when you least expect it.

Thank you for your daily posts - they are a blessing to me.

Kevin said...

I was having one of the worst days I'd had in a long time, and I had actually asked God earlier tonight why other people who aren't Christian seem to have everything going their way. I finally got around to checking my email and reading your daily post. Talk about God answering when you least expect it.

Thank you for your daily posts - they are a blessing to me.