Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I heard somebody say to a third party the other day: 'Stop doubting.  Don't you know God stops listening to you when you doubt?'

Growth so often comes out of the doubting moments.

Really?  He stops listening?

There are enough people out there suggesting you should never ever doubt - but growth so often comes out of the doubting moments.

I feel doubt worst and most when I'm discouraged, under siege, stressed out, overwhelmed, upset and angry.  The irony is those are the exact times I need God most.

The other side of the coin is there are certainly times when I need to push my doubt to one side.  Jesus told Thomas in the New Testament to do just that.  'Stop doubting and believe.'  Maybe that's where the guy got it from when he said it to his friend.

Keep moving closer to God.  As you do, your doubts will decrease as Jesus increases in your life.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

You often hear "Do not doubt God." He will always answer your prayers. It may be a yes or no or not now, though. When I hear this, I feel guilty...as if I am not a strong enough Christian. I'm pretty sure that God is not disappointed in me when I wonder whether or not He hears me. At least, I hope so.

A few years back I had you pray for healing for a somewhat serious health condition. At first, I had great hope, but then I chickened out and kept taking my meds. It was a situation that was imperative that I not miss them. I imagined that I did not have enough faith...the faith of a mustard seed.

Then more recently, I kept praying and praying for resolution to a problem I had. It didn't happen right away, so I became hopeless that I could really change. Then, God brought together the perfect situation for me to move past it. It truly has helped me become a much better person. Hopefully, what He wants me to be. I think I am on the right track as long as I keep following His lead and not lose sight of the future He has planned for me.

Anonymous said...

I just ran across an article. It talked about the differences between Conservative Christians and Liberal Christians. It said that Liberals take the Bible seriously, but not literally.

I found it curious. Do you believe that someone who picks and chooses what parts of the Bible to believe are really Christians?

Have you ever questioned some of the stories in the Bible? Many of them seem incredible to imagine in this day and age. I'm not implying that they might not be true. God can do anything and everything. I just wonder what your take is on Liberal Christians?

PK's BLOG said...

In short, Christians act like Christ. Thought they're not perfect, they strive to be like Him, not attempt to find every loophole they can not to be like Him or believe the things He said and did.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree. I believe what the Bible says. The only area that I differ is gay rights. I know we have discussed this before, but in my heart, this is how I feel. I can't imagine any thing better than being more like Jesus. It is a wonderful way of being in the world.

PK's BLOG said...

Just continue giving it all to God, even things you don't fully understand. I cannot imagine the early disciples saying to Jesus, "We love you and want to follow you, but there's that one issue we think You're wrong about, so ... "

Just keep trusting Him.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I never thought of it that way...about the disciples. I can see what you mean. I know I need to wrestle with this. And I do trust God. He is always just and right.