Saturday, July 6, 2013


That's Susan Boyle.  Remember her?  She was the surprise singer on 'Britain's Got Talent,' the U.K.'s version of 'American Idol.'  She became a household name after that appearance on TV.  Within five weeks she had a best-selling album.

What I love most about that isn't that she found fame, but that in some way or another she found herself.  Prior to this, she was living in a little English village singing to her cat.  Talk about wasting your gift - a cat?  Really?

But here she is - connecting fully in her element.  And don't we all long for that - to find our sweet spot?  When she's asked later how she felt about it all, it was almost as if she didn't know what was inside her own self.  But there it was, itching to get out.

I think everybody feels that way at times - like there's something in you that isn't being fully tapped.  There's an adventure out there but you're in your living room singing to your cat instead.  There's a version of you that God intends for you, but you're not really living it.

That version of me is kind of fuzzy at times.  I get glimpses of it every now and again.  Somebody wrongs me and instead of lashing back, I bite my tongue - and God is so pleased with that.  And I go, 'Woah!  That's the me I'd like to be every day.  Why can't I be that person 24/7 because I was flat-out awesome just then?'

You pass somebody who looks like they may be living on the street and you buy them a cool drink and you think, 'That's the me I'd like to be all the time - someone with great compassion for others.'

One day you do a good deed anonymously in a way that's purely sacrificial - but other days you're just Selfish Sammy.

There are glimpses here and there of God, but here's the truth:  That's the you God sees all the time.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great sermon tonight! I like this's always good to aspire to be more. When you asked who we want to be at the end of 2013, my immediate thought was...I want to lose more weight. And getting healthy was a distant second. Then I caught myself and thought that is SO shallow of me.'s still true.

Anyway, when I moved on in my thinking, I decided I want to be a "light" for Jesus. I want people to know I am a Christian by the way I am in the world. I have a lot of love inside of me and I want to show it to the people I meet. I want to be overflowing with love for my heart is full. I have felt that way in different situations and I know what it feels like physically in my heart. I want that with Jesus.

The only other thing that came to mind, so far, is that I want to have more confidence. Yes, there is an adventure waiting to happen inside of my life. I just need to have the confidence to be open to what God wants to do in my life.

I am pleased with the way the first half of 2013 has gone so far. I never, in a million years, could have done any of it without God's guidance and His firm hand. I am very grateful for His love, even when I was at my worst.