Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I think it's the longest I've ever gone without blogging since I began years ago -- 8 days.

Joelene and I took a little R&R time in Key Largo, Florida this past week.  Here are some pics to prove it.

We made a joint decision to 'unplug' while we were there -- no Facebook -- no blogging -- no computer -- no e-mails (I did answer a very few, to be honest).

I will confess that the first day or two I really wanted to grab my computer and run off into a dark corner clandestinely to quickly post something - anything - relieve my 'disorder,' as it were, but I resisted the urge.  What surprised me is -- I didn't miss it.  I thought I would, but except for that first 24 hours where I had the shakes, I didn't.

It meant more face-to-face time with Joelene during a week where we really needed it (isn't that every week?).  I was actually surprised to realize another benefit:  less anxiety.  Working on the computer had always seemed practically cathartic to me, but I felt an even greater sense of peace once I unplugged.  I know it makes sense, but that was counter-intuitive for me.

So now I'm back - and I'm plugged back in - but maybe not all the way from here on out.

Could you go without technology for one week?  One day?  One hour?

And be blessed.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Welcome back! I was a little worried about you and the family. It's awesome that you and Joelene were able to relax in a beautiful place! Good for you two! Lol...I will admit that "I" was going thru withdrawals w/o the blog posts. It is one of my favorite things to read. Anyway, I'm glad you guys had fun and don't quit the blog altogether any time soon!

    PS...just for the heck of it I clicked on your blog and I was shocked that you were back on! Lol