Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I had a conversation today with someone about their need to want to 'argue' about the Gospel.  (I asked them if I could write about it without using their name -- Yes.)

I understand the temptation to want to prove your point but it isn't a win.

We do not have an aim as believers to address every fine point or nuance issue the Bible leaves open for us - nor do we have a purpose to satisfy the curiosity of every questioner.  We DO hope to 'destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God'  (2 Corinthians 10:5).

'Let's be motivated by love, not by winning.'

If we're always arguing and contending for the faith, we risk doing great damage and adding brand new obstacles to the person searching.  Let's give enough information to help them along their journey toward faith in Christ, not get a check in the 'win' column.  Let's be motivated by love, not by winning.  We're not trying to trump an argument; we're trying to introduce a person to Christ.

Now that'd be a win.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I agree, PK. When I first was drawn in by the Holy Spirit it was as a result of seeing Joel Osteen on tv. If anyone radiates love, joy and acceptance it is Joel Osteen. I was taken by his positive attitude and I wanted to really know this God he spoke of. I always believed in God, but this was a turning point in my life.

I, along with many others, have had very negative reactions to the "fire and brimstone" preachers. I would have stayed stuck where I was.

As it seems, there are a pretty fair number of times that your blog or message is perfectly relevant to something I am in the midst of.

I love the is kind of like a spider web. You may start out in one place, but before you know it you are heading off reading about something else, too.

Anyway, all of my reading lately has led to me borrowing a book from the library. It is called "What's So Great about Christianity". He is a Christian and he takes Atheist/Secular assertions and counters them with the truth of the Gospel. In essence, he is arguing for Christianity. I think the book is very interesting, but I don't see it converting a great many people to Christ. It is mostly an intellectual approach.

I think love trumps all, though. Everyone wants to be loved and God is love. That's how we should be as Christians. Like Jesus.

Anonymous said...

The author of the book "What's So Great About Christianity" is Dinesh D'Souza.