Thursday, April 4, 2013


John Piper, pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis for many years, has recently stepped down from leading that great church because he felt his time was done in that capacity.  I have the utmost respect for this man, even though our theology may not align 100%.  It's close enough for me to honor him for a life well-lived and much influence wielded with positive force - as an author, a speaker, a pastor, a leader and an influencer.

His father, J. Piper, Sr wrote some things that John found one day in his belongings, many of which are golden nuggets of truth (in italics) for pastors, leaders, believers.  I share them with you here:

1  The right road always leads to the right place; therefore, get on the right road and go as far as you can on it.
The truth is, wrong means don't lead to right ends.  In fact, quite the opposite is true - doing right things leads to where God wants us to be.

2  The door to success swings on the hinges of opposition.
This has been so difficult for me to learn.  There are scores of Biblical examples of this, but somehow it brings me little comfort when the opposition is against me.  Still, I take it to heart.

3  God in the right place in my life fixes every other relationships of life.
His rightful place is at the center of our lives - everything else falls into place and is held in its proper orbit if this is so.  If not, everything goes awry.

4  If it is a sin to do less than your best, it is wrong to do merely well.
'Best' always involves more decisions than the one you're making at the moment.  One decision followed through on means you've left other things undone.  Sometimes the 'best' is a B+ sermon or spending time with your children.

5  The part of your character that is deficient is the part that needs attention.
I've been taught that you coach to an individual's strengths and coach to an organization's weaknesses. That's still true, but so is this.  You will become vain if you don't keep your deficiencies before you and work on them.

6  God can't use a quitter.

7  It isn't enough to be good.  Be good for something.
Let the world know we aren't just against things as believers in Jesus;  we're for plenty of things.  Don't be a don't-er; be a doer.

8  Learn to be sweetly firm.
I'm still trying.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I love Mr. Piper's wisdom. Thanks for sharing this.

Off topic, but timely...I went to the Nefarious presentation and documentary tonight (human trafficking..esp sex trafficking). I'm glad I went. It is heart-breaking that these young women and children have been thru. I was absolutely shocked to know that WI is the 3rd largest state for trafficking in the States. It was horrifying and shocking.

I felt such compassion for these women and chidren, but I held it together, at first. Then, at the end of the movie, some of the women spoke of how they cried out to Jesus and He came to them. It didn't matter what they had done, they were His child and He loved them so much. That is when my tears really flowed. His heart is so big...more than we can fathom. I've always imagined seeing Him and He gives me this huge hug...just envelopes me in His arms and the warmth and love is something I have never known before.

The Dutler's spoke of their work with MST (the ministry to the "John's"). Some of them are lonely and need love, too. I admit, I have a hard time with this part. And there are some that are just plain evil. The traffickers, pimps and the men who use these girls like a tissue. They don't even see them as human.

PK and Joelene, I know you both have worked in Thailand with those involved in the sex trade...with both the men and the women. Is it hard to find compassion and love for these men? I know Christians are supposed to love everyone. It will take some time for me to evolve to that person, though.

For those that missed it, it was eye-opening.

Anonymous said...

For anyone who might like to see the official trailer for the documentary Nefarious. This is the You Tube link: