Sunday, April 7, 2013


Men are tough physically, but they aren't that tough emotionally.  That's all a big act.  Women are actually tougher emotionally rather than physically.

When we first got married, I'd give Joelene a little pinch somewhere (not saying where) and she'd say: 'Ow!  That hurts'  (She still says this, by the way).

And I'd say: 'How'd that hurt? All I did was ... ' and I'd do it again.

'Ow!  You're hurting me.  Stop it.'

'What?!  I barely touched you.  Don't be such a big sissy.'

Our three daughters did the same thing.  We did
n't have any sons, so the only people I had around to be a little rough with was the girls, but they couldn't take anything.  Everything hurt.

Do you want to know what the biggest shock was after we got married?  Joelene didn't want to wrestle.  That's because women are sensitive physically.  But ladies - as sensitive as you are physically, he's sensitive emotionally.  He doesn't want me saying that, but I'm right.

I've seen women verbally slug it out like heavyweights.  But when you say something to him in a dishonoring way, it's like him punching you in the stomach.

'Oh - his friends cut him down all the time.'  He isn't married to them.  When you cut him down, either in front of people or privately, it's the worst thing you can do to your marriage ... because a man is made for honor.

'God made man in His image and men will only live in houses where they are praised and honored.'

Psalm 22 says: 'God inhabits the praises of His people.'  God lives in houses that praise Him.  God made man in His image and men will only live in houses where they are praised and honored.

'Well, I haven't praised him for twenty years and he's still living with me.'  No ma'am.  He's only sleeping there; he isn't living there.  Do you know why he goes to the golf course?  Because at least there he'll hear: 'Good shot, Bill.  Great putt.  Nice drive.'

He'll rise to the level of honor he receives.  Honor him where you want him to be, ladies, not where he is right now.

I promise you - it will change your home and it will change your marriage.

MEN:  You are Gideons - Joshuas - Pauls - Peters - Timothys - Daniels - Josephs.  Today, we saw the army of Journey Church men gather down front and surrender it all to Christ.


And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful sight with so many men of God.

Ugh...where were you when I was still married? So much good and valuable advice. I sure could have used it.

I was only 18 when we were married, so I imagine I would have been too immature and determined to do things my way now that I was a grown woman. :/

I couldn't begin to tell you all of the times I said hurtful things to him and it mattered little who was there or if we were alone. I just didn't want to be a doormat.

In all fairness, when things were good, I was very admiring and respected the man he was. However, this is not what the post is about.

My whole mindset was different before I became a Christian. I will give him complete credit...he hardly ever was as critical of me. He had a very stable family life and you could tell.

The first time I heard PDan speak on marriage and about wives submitting to their husbands, I thought "Oh, we go." I had a bad attitude. Now, it makes more sense. He is to treat us as Jesus would.

I am a different person than I used to be...Thank You God. Even though I am not married, I think it would be a good thing to keep this in mind for everyone I know.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I can ask this, but I just wondered what is biblical. Let's say I woman is married and she begins to honor, respect and love her husband. Then, he continues to treat her badly and doesn't change. How long does God expect her to honor him? I would think it would be very hard to honor a man that treats you poorly. It would take God's supernatural strength.