Sunday, April 28, 2013


You were impacted by someone in your past -- and you will impact someone in your future.  Most likely that will be a son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, niece, nephew, cousin.  Even if you aren't married, you are not immune.  You still have family.

A. Stanley says it well:  There are people who will be what they are, in large part, because of who you are.  They'll forget a lot of what you say, but they won't forget most of what you do -- when staying was difficult and it's what you did - when running away was the easy route and it's what you did - when paying the debt was difficult and it's what you did - when getting angry was easy and it's what you did.  You will shape a future generation.

What if what you do is the thing your nephews and nieces and sons and daughters take their cues from?  What if it's you they adopt as their role model for how they treat their own wife/husband and family?

Maybe that would be a good thing -- then again ...

Most of us won't even be around to see that completely played out - but your decisions will be made with the imprint of your life on them.

If that's true, what would you be willing to change?  And if that's true, why wouldn't you change?

'Choose this day whom you will serve ... as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.'  (Joshua 24:15)

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully said & would cause most of us to pause....Thank You