Sunday, March 3, 2013


I'm a planner.  So is my wife.  We've planned June 26th, 2014 at this point.  Just kidding.  Kind of.  Not really.  Yes, we have.

Planning is a good thing.  Jesus talked about counting the cost before you did such and such a thing.  Think about it.  Plan it out.  Don't do anything foolhardy.  Be sensible.

Having said that, He also said: 'If God wills, we'll do this or that.'  In other words, you're not in charge. Last time I checked you were pretty much vapor and dust.  Not that high on the food chain really.

If we'd just think for more than three seconds about what God wanted for our lives, we'd succeed far more often.  Of course, to do that, we have to actually have some idea of what God's plan really is.

'What we can do is what He has told us to do.'

Some of what He's planned is a mystery.  We don't know it all.  We aren't completely sure of His strategy for 2014, or for Monday, for that matter.

What we can do is what He has told us to do.

Do Justice.
Love Mercy.
Walk Humbly.
Be consumed with His Kingdom.
Teach our children to do the same.
And their children, too.

That's pretty much a full life right there.

I'm gonna start there.  By doing those few things, we might see what we so badly desire to see in our world today.

And be blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2014, huh? My guess is either a missions trip or that fabulous vacation you always wanted to take. I vote for the vacation...just the two of you. Very romantic.

My husband and I took 2 vacations, just the two of us and many weekends alone. It's wonderful!

I am not a planner. I know what I plan for this week, but even that will change if I need to. I know you have told me numerous times not to follow my feelings, but I do. If I don't really want to do something...I change plans.

I wish I had a little bit of the two of your discipline and sense of obligation. I am pretty laid back, so I don't.

Anyway, take that wonderful vacation! Seriously...