Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I can't remember who said it, but it's lodged in my brain: 'The world can do everything better than the church except for one thing ... offer grace to people.'

Love it.

So as we continue our journey of grace as Christ-followers we understand that what people are looking for and what they need is transformation, not information.  They don't need a new set of rules to follow.  Rules end in behavior modification, not a changed heart.  Anybody can do temporary adjustments and keep it up for awhile.  Grace helps us lean toward principles, not rules - and we all need that.

Grace means we care for people.  We value them regardless of their behaviors, lifestyles, belief systems or judgments.  It isn't about what they do, but who they are.

Grace begs for trust in people.  It isn't blind, but it leans toward people, not away from them.  It puts away judgments and pushes against spirits that turn critical instantly.  It denies suspicion and rather than assuming the worst about everyone, grace believes the best.

Grace is being like Jesus.

And be blessed.

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