Saturday, March 2, 2013


Our priorities are all out of whack.  Bet you knew that.

Even the 'thing' we most long for as Christ-followers - heaven - we long for in the wrong way.  We long for a bug-free environment, no wrinkles or allergies, no fear of bankruptcy or bad economies, no more deadline pressures or stress, no bad phone service, no more family squabbles, no insurance claims, pleasure galore.

But none of that is the real treasure or blessing.  Those are merely shadows.

What we get is the awesomeness of being in the very glory and presence of God.  When you receive Jesus by grace, what you get is God.  You want God.  You need God.  You receive God.  You get God.

'You get God.'

All those other blessings are dwarfed by that.  Aren't they?  If they aren't to you, you need to re-examine what you're in this for.

You get God.  You get to walk with Him like Adam & Eve did in the Garden - like Aslan did with the Wardrobe children.  That's what we lost.  Not the opportunity to have mansions and sit on clouds.

You get God.

Are you excited for that?

And be blessed.

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