Monday, February 18, 2013


In an earlier posting about being an introvert - which I know was incredibly liberating for many of you like-acting folks - I offer this follow-up from J. Brito and me.  Continue to free yourself.

Myths about introverts:

1 - Intros don't like to talk.
Not true.  At all.  They just don't talk unless they have something to say.  They're not in love with 'small talk.'  Get an intro to talk about something he's interested in and you won't be able to shut him up.

2 - Intros are shy.
Nope.  Shyness and introversion aren't related.  Intros just need a reason to interact.  

3 - Intros are stand-offish and rude.
I've had this said about me.  It's annoying.  Intros don't enjoy beating around the bush with a bunch of social pleasantries.  Get to the point.  (But we need to work on this, too.)

4 - Intros don't like people.
On the contrary, they intensely value the friends they have - they may just be fewer.  They are loyal allies for life.

5 - Intros don't like to be around people.
Nonsense.  They just don't like to be around people as long as others.  Intros take in data relatively quickly.  When it's over, they like to head home and recharge.  Recharging is crucial for intros.

6 - Intros don't know how to have fun.
I rest my case.

7 - Intros can fix themselves and become extros.
Why would they want to do that?  A 1986 study showed the percentage of intros increases with IQ - just sayin.'

8 - Intros hate to be called intros.

OK.  There you have it.  Gotta go.  I have a date alone with myself.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, PK...I absolutely LOVE this post! It reflects my personality completely! This clearly must be one of my favorites. I may very well think of more to post, but this is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I don't recall anyone in my life breaking this down before, but I completely connect. I think that is very much the reason that I love commenting on the blog. 90% of what you write about is substantial and truly value that. I don't mind being an intro at all. My Dad gave me a book by Dale Carnegie. It is how to win friends and influence people. It's just not me. I know when I click with someone and it's not all of the time. Like you said, I have a few freinds, but they are the ones I care for for life.

Scotty said...

Wow! That sounds mostly like me. I thought I was just shy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Can't relate...Hmmm...I Must be an Extro!

PK's BLOG said...

Thanks for sharing, Extro.

Anonymous said...

I have 5 people in my life that I care deeply for and if they needed me, I would be there. Some people may be surprised, but one is my ex-husband. I have so many good memories and he was my best friend for 20 yrs. There is nothing I want more than for him to be happy and I think he is. It's not many, but they all are significant to me.

Anonymous said...

Your blog post inspired me to call one of the ppl who have meant the most to me. He is a professional, so I just got his voicemail tonight. I was beside myself to hear his voice again. I knew him for 6 yrs and he is one that I would always be there for. He was very special to me. Looking back on your life is very special...esp if you are an intro. I am content.

Nancy said...

Thank you! Being new to KFA, this is my first visit to your blog, and this post blessed me and made me search for and read Part 1. Thank you for the encouragement that you know we, intros, need. It's powerful to witness someone in leadership, who shares these traits.

PK's BLOG said...

WELCOME NANCY! Great to have you as a reader. I love our church and it's great to have you as part of us. Blessings.