Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I used to use the words 'stupid' and 'dumb' a lot more than I do today.  The reason I don't use them so much now is that my wife told me I shouldn't.  I shouldn't call people dumb, even privately.  I shouldn't call things dumb or situations dumb or other folks' junk dumb.  "Dumb" is off-limits.

Nevertheless ... you and I have something in common.  We've both done some really dumb stuff - stuff we hope nobody every figures out or finds out about.


You know there's a stupid decision in your past (45 minutes).  Me too.

And often it seems as if people are almost purposefully setting out to mess themselves up.  It takes a whole lot of planning to walk down the aisle with the wrong person.  It takes a whole lot of thought to sign the 150 pages to purchase a home you know you can't afford.

'Often it seems as if people are almost purposefully setting out to mess themselves up.'

There are things that aren't evil that are still dumb.  If you've ever met a teenage boy, you have numerous examples of this.

There are things that aren't wicked, but they're still stupid.  But it's stupid that gets us into trouble and it's dumb that causes us issues and at that point we become familiar with the pain of dumb.

The funny thing is, when we see others making dumb decisions it's so obvious they're wrong.  Anybody could see it.  But when we do it, it seemed so much less dumb.

Proverbs 1:7 says:  'The fear (respect and awe) of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge ... '

It's an understanding of just how powerful the Creator of the universe is and how small we are - and how much more diligently we should pay attention to Him in order to have success.  And unless you get this piece right - this respect and humility for your Creator - the dumb decisions are just going to continue flowing.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

I've done dumb things more than once just to make sure they were dumb.

I think there is a difference between making a mistake and a dumb mistake. In everything we do in life, if we are not making mistakes...we are not growing.

Anonymous said...

I have made mistakes that in retrospect seem to be dumb. However, I am going to play Devil's Advocate as you have done hundreds of times with me. I secretly call you Mr. Contrary.

So, I have made mistakes like everyone, but who are you to decide what is right for everyone? Isn't a Christian supposed to be non-judgemental? Let God decide and convict as He sees fit.

Sorry, but you have done this far too many times with me. Like when I wanted to explore the possibility of meeting a man I wanted to marry. My life could possibly taken a 180. Who knows.

You may choose not to post this, but I think I have some valid points.

PK's BLOG said...

I'm sorry, Anon, but I have never decided what was right for anyone even once in my life. I respond to questions that are asked of me and try to give what I understand is a Biblical viewpoint. You're responsible for making your own choices.

Christians are called to be non-judgmental in their attitudes, certainly - and I am, as much as I know how to be. But that's different from judging by our fruit. The Bible says not to judge unbelievers - leave that to God. But people who claim faith in Christ? Sorry, you're up for grabs when it comes to judging your own works.

Your life is based on your own choices, not on my advice. Nice try, though.

Anonymous said...

I suppose I have put too much stock in your guiding and I take responsibilty for that. I have always seen you as a wise advisor. I thought you have experienced in more of the world and counseled people, so I should listen to what you say.

I just find it offensive that you would consider yourself as judge and jury. I think I am 100% with Joelene on this one.

PK's BLOG said...

Yes, well - I'm sure she'll be overjoyed to hear that. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I got it off my chest. I feel much better. Sorry I lashed it out on you , but it struck a nerve, which may explain me reacting. I'm sorry, are still my wise advisor. If I feel strongly though...I will follow my own opinion.

PK's BLOG said...

Thanks for saying that.

Final word here from me - and it's said not to be argumentative, but simply because I care as a pastor.

The strength of your own opinions has no bearing on what God says. A 'fool' believes in his own heart that he is right when God says differently.

There is little point or use for wise advisors when, at the most critical junctures and points of life that literally determine our destinies, we choose to follow our own 'strong opinions' and ignore the Godly wisdom of those who are only trying to speak God's Word - not further our own personal agendas. I am beyond that silliness - I have no personal agenda - I am here to help people be convinced that following God and His reliable Truth will always be the best thing they could ever do, even when their strong opinions seem better and wiser.

God will bless your life when you follow Him.

Anonymous said...

Many people will not really understand this, but I know you do.

I once heard this story.

There was a man who prayed and prayed to be delivered from smoking cigarettes. Other men around him prayed that they would be as well.They were and he wasn't. He was upset about it and prayed to God "Why"? And God said because I didn't think you wanted to.

I pray too for deliverance, but it hasn't happened. When I search my heart and soul...I am like that man...and that is stupid.

Anonymous said...

We must be careful not to put pastors to high on a pedestal....It is a long fall. Pastor Kevin, not to put you on a Pedestal, but as you say, we need to take our marching orders from God. We must be in tune with the Holy Spirit. When we take our direction from man, we will be disappointed. I could not agree with you more on this one. I have done what the other person here has done and wound up leaving the church and God. My only advice to this person is be grounded in the word that nothing can pull you away.

Anonymous said...

The lord will work with you not for you

Anonymous said...

I understand what you both are saying. I don't always know what God wants from me. PK is the closest to God that I can see, so I really do listen many times to what he says. I have long called him my "Jesus with skin."

All that being said, I know exactly what God says about my biggest sin. It's just very hard.

Anonymous said...

PK, I know I got a little testy yesterday. If I admit I have done something dumb, and I say that, it is one thing. I just can't bear the thought of you telling others that I am stupid. It drives me nuts and hurts my feelings.

PK's BLOG said...

Oh, Anon - I'm sorry. I didn't think I had called you 'dumb' on this blog anywhere. I re-read my responses just to make sure I hadn't mishandled myself. I'm very sorry if you were offended by that.

When people are point-blank with me on this blog in their responses, I think I feel at liberty to respond point-blank in return. Perhaps I should re-evaluate that approach.


Anonymous said...

Oh, PK...don't re-evaluate your responses. When I thought about it, you adhere to your focus on confidentiality. Anyway, one of the things I like best about you is that you are direct. Don't even think of changing that. I always ask you to be straight up with me. I wouldn't know how you think about anything if I can't trust you to tell the truth. I'm just being insecure because deep down I know the tings I am doing wrong. It's not your fault.

Anonymous said...

Wow PK, Should we just start calling you Dr. Phil?