Thursday, December 20, 2012


What my family and I have done for years is make up words.  Nobody else knows what we're talking about except us.  It's a bonding technique, and it works.  Yes, sons-in-law must learn some new language, but they catch on - in time.  Sometimes they even add to the family vocabulary.  Nice.

Don't think that I'm about to unravel years of family trust here in this blog by revealing the Taylor Lexicon.  No.  I'm just encouraging you to try it yourself.

Here, I'll give you some examples to prime your snarfle (see how easy that was?):

'I was feeling gypsa so I went to Jimmy John's and got a sub.'

'My wife asked me to stop at the store and get some milk and I replied, 'Maspeno, I'll be glad to pick it up.'

'I couldn't answer the phone because bidna was taking my time.'

'He needs some serious boostafazoo.'  --- Bart Simpson

'When that dude cut me off in traffic I got all squingocky.'

'We sat down at the table but realized we had forgotten the intstrals.'

'Lunch will be ready soon; the stew is simbergating.'

There you go.  You should try it sometime.  If nothing else, it makes you smile.  Now - I'll just tell you - at least ONE of those makeups above is an actual word my fam sometimes uses.  I won't tell you which one and don't ask or try to jarn me to tell you - but that was a teaser for you.  It's still our secret.

Hakuna Matata.

And be bloppish.


Anonymous said...

Simbergating...I like fits.

You all are so creative! Over the yrs I have heard you share many of the special things you do for different occasions. It makes me think I should let my imagination run wild! When I was married, his family had many family traditions and I loved it. My own family is not like that, unfortunately. Maybe I can be inspired...

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the cutest things my kids would say when they were very young.

Spaghetti was...biscetti

Hamburger was... hangabur

and pre-school was...pretty school

Eventually, I corrected them, butit really was too precious.y daughter says she said pretty school till 1st What can I was adorable!