Thursday, November 8, 2012


We have a bunch to be thankful for.  Whatever your view of the recent Presidential election results, the fact is, we are blessed.

The truth is, we are spoiled silly.

Talking with some friends last evening, I became aware of something called First World Problems.  I wasn't familiar with the term, but I caught on pretty quickly.  There's a website of the same name that helps you bring your 'problems' into focus.

There are First World Problems and there are Third World Problems.

Third World Problems are things like:
No potable water for miles
Too weak to open your mouth to eat
Disease and infestation
Both parents have died of injury, lack of food, armed resistance or disease
Dodging bullets of insurrectionists
Walking to avoid planted bombs in the ground

First World Problems are things like:
I got a job and now I have to start getting up early
I went to a neighbor's house and I couldn't get into their WiFi because I didn't know the password
I dropped my MacBook on my iPad
I wore my winter coat to the bar and I had to hold it all night
The bed at my hotel was so hard it gave me a backache
I just used my last Pandora skip for the hour and now I have to listen to a song I hate
I'm too rich for financial aid and I'm too poor to pay for college

Now ... why don't you get a grip.

And be blessed.


Anonymous said...

When I look at the picture of that young child on your blog, I just cringe inside. Tonight I had my salad and garlic bread. I am doing fine in my little world. I wish I could just scoop him up and care for him. I just don't truly understand how anyone in this world with so much can suffer this way. It hurts my heart to know that these poor people are existing this way.

And in some ways, so are the victims of Sandy. Not exactly the same, but far worse than any of us a accustomed to.

Anonymous said...

A couple of yrs ago, I watched 60 Minutes and they did a show on something called Plumpy'nut. It is similar to peanut butter with all of the nutrients of milk and vitamins, but it needs no refrigeration and it is incredibly inexpensive to make. It is for those who are severely malnourished. It was invented in 2010. I understand that there have been many who have been saved by it, but I have never heard of it since. Sometimes, I have wondered if I can donate directly for that, since it is inexpensive and my budget is modest. Anyway, this post reminded me of that. In a world of plenty no one should have to starve. That is a reason that I really like the ONE organization.

PK's BLOG said...

You can donate $10 to victims of Hurricane Sandy by texting CONVOY to 50555.